Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I've finally gotten around to uploading the few photos i took on my month long trip from this summer. I am a little disappointed i was lazy and did not take as much photos as i would of liked to come back with, but i had an awesome time and it really helped what i was going through this summer with everything. I'll post up a few pictures just to briefly explain what had happened on this trip. There were some wild times and i am still siked on this trip.

Here are two pictures from the Ditch Weed field we drove to off of an exit for a town called "Hays" off of 70 west in Kansas. Donny had previously visited the field on the way out to Arizona a year prior. The plants were budding yet with the exception of a few small ones, but it was still awesome to visit this magical patch. Egghead was in pure glory running around like a little kid. If only we had come across this a month later in the harvest season where the plants would of been mature enough to grab some and make some edibles or hash in Denver. OH well.

One night in Denver we were skating the park down the road from Grohol and Klinger's place like usual and Brendan got drunk and decided to pay for everybody to play a round in the batting cages. Talk about convenience, the batting cages were no more than 10 feet away from the park. Everybody was siked and Donny was tearing it up in the advance cage (90-100mph).

Me and Brendan decided to stay longer than we expected in Denver so we can catch Donny's 22nd birthday and celebrate. All week we planned to eat a bunch of mushrooms but really had no luck getting them with a few close calls but no follow through. So the day of his birthday myself, Brendan, and Donny split up with the rest of the crew and decided to go to eat at subway and go back the crib and relax. While eating at Subway Brendan mentioned to the Sandwhich Artist that we had been drinking tequila all day and had no luck finding mushrooms. To our advantage, the dude had a shroom hookup and called up his chick to come by and hook us up. About 2 hours later of waiting outside of subway with even a brief run in with the fine red bull girls, we picked up 15 grams of magic mushrooms which would be ingested by Donny, Brendan, Egghead, and me. We had planned to eat them and go up in the mountains but ended up eating them and waiting for egghead to get back then proceeding to walk to the industrial park where we ended up lost and inside of a schoolbus. The night was wild and when we got back to the house we ended it with watching the late George Carlin all night long and slept it off. All in all, it was a rad time.

For some dumb reason or another, i really did not take many photos in Arizona at all. Even though these few photos i got of this wild beast may make up for that. During the night we were all watching this ridiculously stupid movie called "Mothman" based on the events of sightings of a giant moth in West Virginia. After the movie we went outside to smoke a cigarette due to the muggy-ness of the house where we came across a humungus moth. While me and Cary moved the the front porch like bitchs, Brendan got a bag and caught the motherfucker for further investigations. Don't worry, we let him go after all was done with him.

For the remaining few other photos, go to PHOTOBUCKET

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